Dr. Thad Waites Visits FCAHS

Dr. Thad Waites was a guest speaker for the health science, health, and nutrition/wellness classes. He discussed the history of cardiology, steps to become a cardiologist, opportunities within Mississippi, showed examples of heart surgery being performed, and explained why lifestyle changes are needed to turn around the health issues in America.

A native of Waynesboro, Waites has practiced medicine for nearly 50 years. Waites has held many positions throughout his career including the ACC’s Board of Governors and a member of the ACC’s Board of Trustees, and he is chair for the ACC’s Health Affairs Committee and vice-chair for the Mississippi State Board of Health. He has been a cardiologist at Forrest General Hospital since 1987.

As a medical student, Waites spent one summer in the mission field in Indonesia. He also served the United States in the military as a flight surgeon in both the Marine Corps and the Navy.