About Our Programs
Head Coach: Colby Parker
Basketball (Boys and Girls)
Boys Head Coach: Scott Landry
Boys Assistant Coaches: Nich McLendon
Girls Head Coach: Cedric Smith
Girls Assistant Coach: Carmen Taylor
Cross Country (Boys and Girls)
Head Coach:
Head Coach: Larry Dolan
Assistant Coaches: Colby Parker, Nicholas Cawthoon, Antonio Kidd, Kyle Dolan, Cole Kendrick
Head Coach: Todd Smith
Head Coach: Nicholas Cawthon
Head Coach: Scott Fitzgerald
Assistant Coach: Neil Harvison
Soccer (Boys and Girls)
Boys Head Coach: Todd Smith
Boys Assistant Coach: Sarah Grice
Girls Head Coach: Mitch Rock
Girls Assistant Coach: Taylor Rock
Head Coach: Erica Ownens
Track (Boys and Girls)
Boys & Girls Head Coach: Colby Parker
Head Coach: Carmen Taylor
Assistant Coach: Scott Fitzgerald
Purpose, Philosophy and Objectives
The Forrest County Agricultural High School Interscholastic Athletic Program is a natural extension of the high-school curriculum that provides activities for the growth and development of our students. The program includes laboratory experiences in human relations as well as opportunities for developing each student physically and emotionally. We view the Interscholastic Athletic Program as the other half of education.
At F.C.A.H.S., we believe that the Interscholastic Athletic Program contributes significantly to preparing our students for becoming productive, contributing citizens of our community and society. A comprehensive program of athletic activities expresses our commitment to ensure the development of physical fitness and personal health, the acquisition of competent performances, and the achievement of excellence in the student's chosen sport.
In addition, our aim is to develop a student with an improved self-image, the ability to learn a new skill, and an intrinsic motivation for growth and development. We want to see a student who will demonstrate a willingness to accept responsibility for his/her actions, measure him/herself against standards of quality, express ideas and solutions to problems, and value fair play, honesty, and cooperation.
Our goals are:
To develop and maintain the highest level of sportsmanship.
To develop proper attitudes toward winning and losing, success and failure.
To encourage and develop respect for fellow athletes whether they are teammates, members of other FCAHS teams, or members of opposing teams.
To assure that the amount of time required for athletic participation does not interfere with academic success.
To develop proper attitudes toward individual health habits, appearance on and off the field, and citizenship in and out of school.
To encourage competition not only for the tangible rewards but also for the development of positive attitudes that make athletic competition valuable and worthwhile.
To assure that all athletic staff members abide by the rules, regulations, and officials' decisions that govern each sport.
To maintain the highest standard of ethics, recognize each participant as an individual who will conduct him/herself in a manner befitting his/her responsibilities, and develop the kind of rapport with the broader school community that will improve the total educational program.